Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Matt's First Swim Meet

Matt joined a swim team a couple of weeks ago and Saturday he had his first swim meet. He did pretty good for his first meet, just figuring out what was going on and getting a feel for it.

He swam two events - backstroke and freestyle. Here he is getting ready to start the backstroke race. Look at that awesome form. Michael Phelps, be very afraid.

Yes, he realizes the goggles go on his eyes, not his cheeks. In the freestyle event, he had a little "goggle malfunction" - when he dove in off the platform, his goggles came off - he couldn't stop and put them back on. Just a bug that needs to be worked out and chalked up to experience.


Grandma A said...

Matt, you're looking good, even if
you had a goggle malfunction. We
would love to watch a swim meet sometime. Love, Grandma A

R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Yeah! Finally another swimmer in the family! Next we just need to teach Matt to ride a bike and then run fast and he'll be a triathlete!

Nelle B said...

The next Michael Phelps!