Friday, April 17, 2009

A Frickin' Okapi

For a couple of months, Becca has been working on her big "Africa Report" for 2nd grade. She chose to report on a very unique animal that dwells in Africa - an Okapi (pronounced "oh-copy")

Today they had all the parents come and see the projects. She drew a picture of an Okapi all by herself and wrote the report all on her own as well. She also made an Okapi's tongue (12 inches long) out of modeling clay. The Okapi cleans it's eyes and ears out with it's long tongue.

Here is a close-up of her drawing. She found a tutorial video on the internet that helped her draw this animal step-by step. Good job Becca!


R. Jeffrey Davis said...

Where's the FRICKIN' close-up of the TONGUE??????

Jill said...

Wow that is awesome, I bet she got a really good grade for that one. Very cute:)

Grandma A said...

Becca, It looks like you did a very good job!!!!!

Nelle B said...

I just looked up Okapi, and her picture is exactly right! Great job Becca! A++