Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cinderella Story

Last night Jen and I went to see Taylor's dress rehearsal of the musical "Cinderella" at Elk Ridge Middle School. This was the night for parents to show up and take pictures and videos. For the occasion, I rented a lens for my camera that is supposed to be good in low light without using a flash (I could have bought it for only $1,700). You can be the judge from the pictures below as to if I should invest the money to buy it:

All the peasant girls are thrilled when it is announced "The Prince is throwing a Ball"

At the Ball, Taylor dances right next to Cinderella and the Prince. Notice the dress Taylor is wearing - this is mom's (Grandma A) high school prom dress that she altered for Taylor to wear in the play. Thanks for all the hard work, mom - it turned out beautiful!!

Taylor takes center stage in this scene right between the Prince and Cinderella.

All the girls get a chance to try on the glass slipper. While waiting in line, Taylor is coming up with some "calculations" showing that the slipper will fit her foot.

Here she is showing her calcualtions to the prince and his royal glass slipper fitter guy.

She tries on the shoe and her calculations are not quite what she thought.

But she does end up with some royal guy that works for the King :) Not too shabby...
The performances are at 7pm tonight, Thursday and Friday. She has spent a lot of time and worked really hard and the play has come together very nicely. We are very proud of her. I will post some videos on another blog entry.


Grandma A said...

Grandpa and I both agree that the pictures turned out beautiful.
Part of it is because Taylor's is such a beautiful girl.

Jill said...

Good job Tay! I wish I could come and see it! That looks like so much fun and the dress turned out great too. :)

Nelle B said...

Wow Taylor, you look so beautiful. I hope your dad got a lot of video so we can see it! Your dress looks amazing and I love your shoes, too! Love ya!